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Begin to take care of your facial hair already on in its early growth.

Beard oil treats the hair as well as the skin beneath. You can rub a few drops into the hair and chin. Begin with small amounts, and then increase them if needed depending on how big your beard is. The oil will make your beard healthy, lustrous and well-groomed. The intoxicating scents from the oils can also increase people's attention to you.

Beard balm is a solid version of oil that does the same job as the oil. It also contains ingredients to help shape your beard.

Beard and mustache waxes: Keep the hairs in their desired direction.

Beard Shampoo: Beards can be dried out by normal shampoos. It is better to use one that has been specifically designed for beard washing.

Once your beard begins to grow, you should get it trimmed with a barber. This will make it much easier for you to maintain it yourself.

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